Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

News & Articles

The process for creating and sending a newsletter

If we are creating a newsletter for you to distribute, there is a set procedure we go through that ensures everything is correct at the time of distribution.

Here is that procedure.

Stage 1. The Browser Version

After discussions with you about the layout & design of your newsletter and receiving your content, we will first produce the "Browser Version". This is the version of the newsletter that the recipient will see if they click the "View In Browser" option in the newsletter.

This is the time to give us all your amendments and additional requirements. We need them at this stage (opposed to stage 2 below) as it's easy to make adjustments to the browser version. Once we move to making the live version (stage 2), additional changes may incur additional costs.

Please Note: The layout in the browser version may differ from the live email version. Read this to understand why.

It is up to you, the client, to check all aspects of the newsletter. Check for typos, bad links, etc.

Stage 2. The Live Email Version

Once we are happy with the browser version, we will create the "live email" version. This is the exact version of the newsletter the recipient will get.

Creating HTML newsletters that display correctly across as many email clients as possible is complex; it's not as simple as creating an HTML web page. Therefore this stage can take time.

Once we have created the live version, we will send a proof to whoever needs to "sign it off". It will be sent via email and arrive in the inbox exactly as it would for a final recipient.

Again, you, the client, should check it over to ensure it is exactly as expected. If you spot any formatting issues, this is the time to raise them with us.

Once you are happy with it, you should send us an email "signing it off" and giving us instruction to go ahead with the send.

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