Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

GDPR Tools

If your wondering what Mailshot Monkey can do for you in terms of GDPR, read this, it's an overview of all the tools we have to make your life easier.

Over the coming weeks we will expand on these further, but for now, here's an overview.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. The GDPR regulation affects anyone in the world who collect and process the personal data of EU users. If you collect and process data of EU users, our GDPR features will be useful to you.

The GDPR regulation kicks in on May 25, 2018.
As part of all standard and managed packages we supply you with ready made forms to add to your site so people can subscribe, and unsubscribe, to and from your mailing lists.

GDPR friendly subscribe forms

You have an option to enable GDPR fields in your subscribe and unsubscribe forms. This applies to both the ‘Ready-to-use subscribe form’ and the embeddable ‘Subscribe form HTML code’.

In the same window where you retrieve the forms from a list, there is an option to enable GDPR fields.
The GDPR fields includes text areas for ‘Marketing permission’ and ‘What to expect’ so that you can inform users in the subscribe forms of what they are signing up for and what you’re going to do with the information they submit. We've pre-populated these text areas to make it easier for you to modify it to better suit your business.

On either subscribe forms, subscribers will see this information including an unticked consent checkbox. They're required to check the ‘Consent’ checkbox in order to subscribe.

Subscribers who have signed up in a GDPR compliant manner either through the ‘Ready-to-use subscribe form’ or the embeddable ‘Subscribe form HTML code’ will be tagged with a ‘GDPR’ label.
GDPR subscriber tagging

If you are using the ‘subscribe’ API to signup users programmatically, there is a new parameter called gdpr where you can set it to true if you are signing up users in a GDPR compliant manner. This will tag the subscriber with a 'GDPR' label.

Bulk adding subscribers

If you're importing CSVs or using the 'Add name and email per line' method, you have an option to tag all imported subscribers with a 'GDPR' label.

When using this feature, our system hasn't performed GDPR compliance for you, so It's vital that you can prove the GDPR compliance for these subscribers.
Send re-permission campaigns

A big part of becoming GDPR compliant is to get re-permission (re-consent) from your existing subscriber list, if they are not already GDPR compliant. You can easily send re-permission campaigns to make your lists compliant with GDPR - without having to do anything complicated.

When creating your re-permission campaign you can add the  [reconsent] tag to your email campaign.

This tag will convert into a re-consent link when your campaign is sent to your subscribers. When the re-consent link is clicked, the subscriber will be tagged with ‘GDPR’.

Then, the next time you send a newsletter you can enable the ‘GDPR safe switch’ (see below) in your brand settings so that Campaigns and Autoresponders will only send to subscribers tagged with ‘GDPR’.

GDPR safe switch

What can you do with subscribers who are tagged with a 'GDPR' label? In your brands settings, you can set Campaigns & Autoresponders to send to only subscribers tagged with 'GDPR' label. This will prevent you from accidentally sending emails to subscribers who did not signup to your list in a GDPR compliant manner.
Also as seen in the screenshot above, you can set whether you want to see any GDPR options at all. If you don't store or process data of EU users, you can uncheck the GDPR options checkbox.

GDPR tab and data management

In each subscriber list, a tab named ‘GDPR’ (alongside existing tabs like Active, Unconfirmed, Unsubscribed etc) will appear if there are any subscribers tagged with a 'GDPR' label. You can filter or export CSV of subscribers in this new tab.
CSV exports also include a column named ‘GDPR’ reflecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the subscriber is tagged with ‘GDPR’

When you delete a subscriber, you have an option to delete the subscriber from ‘this list only’ or ‘ALL lists in the brand’. This will cater to the user's 'Right to erasure'.
Two columns exist in the ‘View all lists’ page which shows the number of ‘Segments’ and ‘Autoresponders’ created for each list. Clicking on the number takes you straight to the ‘Segmentation’ or ‘Autoresponders’ page respectively for the list.
And that just about covers it. Everything you need to keep your lists squeaky clean and GDPR compliant.

And remember, if all this is too daunting for you… DON'T PANIC! We're here to hold your hand while you work it all out, or if you prefer, do it all for you!

Mailshot Monkey

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