Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

Email Marketing Services100% GDPR Compliant

What to put in your newsletters

This is one of the common questions we get asked… What should I put in my newsletter?

Clyde, the main monkey, has some very solid advice.
Depending on what your business does, there will be a tendency to focus on price-related content in your newsletters. If you're a retailer, it's almost second nature only to send out a newsletter when you have a sale on or a special discounted price on something.

If you're in the service sector, you might focus not on what you do but how cheaply you can do it. If you're in hospitality, it'll be all about that two for one, or early bird deal.

The thing is, in most instances, your subscribers are JUST NOT INTERESTED in reading about cheap. Seriously, they're not. In this day and age cheap is rammed now the consumer's throat 24/7, it's everywhere; in the high street, on the TV and plastered all over most of the websites they use. By sending more of the same to their inbox, you're just adding to the noise.

So the next question then is "what do I put in my newsletters?". The answer is obvious, but sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees.

Few businesses have a week go by without something interesting, or funny happening.

- Did you have a client with a peculiar problem that you solved in an original way?

- Have you just taken stock of a new widget that everyone is talking about?

- Have you just secured a big contract with a well known reputable brand?

- Did your cat have kittens?


No matter how big or how small your mailing list, the people on the end of those email addresses are regular everyday people.

If you really have the best deals around "GREAT DEALS" newsletters might work, might, but if you want to use your newsletters to build brand recognition and ultimately trust & loyalty with your subscribers, stop treating your them as consumers and start treating them like people.

Mailshot Monkey

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Co. Down BT24 8PR


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